
Required for all hazardous material shippers

Before you prepare, package, mark, or label a shipment for a hazardous material or dangerous good, you must be trained in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation requirements [49 CFR 173.1(3)(b)].

Trained personnel at your location

Hazardous materials and dangerous goods must be shipped by an employee who has been trained in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation (ground shipments) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) (pdf) (air shipments) regulations.


The Office of Research Assurances maintains trained staff who pick up and ship all hazardous materials originating at the Pullman campus.

Statewide campuses and extension offices

Trained shipping personnel are available at other WSU campuses and locations. Contact the trained shipping coordinator at your site.

Regulatory training requirements

Anyone who ships a dangerous good or hazardous material from any WSU location must have first completed approved training. The U.S. Department of Transportation recommends a 34-hour ground shipping course and a 24-hour air transportation course.

Refresher training requirements

To become a certified hazardous materials shipper

Contact the hazardous material shipping specialist at (509)432-3869 for more information.


Transport and shipment of hazardous materials and dangerous goods (WSU Safety Policies and Procedures Manual – SPPM 5.40)


Please contact the hazardous material shipping specialist.